Thelephora wakefieldiae
Weinbraunes Filzgewebe
aktualisiert: 24.10.2019
Zmitr., Shchepin, Volobuev & Myasnikov
Fungi, Dikarya, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Agaricomycetes, Thelephorales, Thelephoraceae, Thelephora
Aktueller Name gem. MycoDB
Current name: Thelephora wakefieldiae Zmitr., Shchepin, Volobuev & Myasnikov, Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 8 (3): 367 (2018) [MB#825554]
Basionym: Zygodesmus sublilacinus Ellis & Holw., Bulletin of the Minnesota geological and Natural History Survey Botanical Series 3: 34 (1887) [MB#165374] Obligate synonym: Tomentella sublilacina (Ellis & Holw.) Wakef., Mycologia 52 (6): 931 (1962) [MB#340129] Taxonomic synonyms: - Tomentella pseudopannosa Wakef., Transactions of the British Mycological Society 53: 189 (1969) [MB#340122] - Thelephora pseudopannosa (Wakef.) Zmitr., Shchepin, Volobuev & Myasnikov, Current Research in Environmental & Applied Mycology 8 (3) (2018) [MB#824107] - Hypochnus avellaneus Burt, Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 3: 225 (1916) [MB#225507] - Tomentella avellanea (Burt) Bourdot & Galzin, Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 40 (2): 153 (1924) [MB#208179] - Tomentella fusca subsp. castanea Bourdot & Galzin, Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 40 (2): 148 (1924) [MB#471868] - Hypochnus castaneus (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk, Nederlandsch Kruidkundig Archief: 82 (1930) [MB#260062] - Tomentella castanea (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk, Mededelingen van het botanisch Museum en Herbarium van de Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht 9: 31 (1933) [MB#260044] - Tomentella fuscella var. castanea (Bourdot & Galzin) S. Lundell, Fungi Exsiccati Suecici Fasc. 45-46: p. 9 (1954) [MB#352536] - Tomentella castanea (Bourdot & Galzin) Donk (1924) [MB#208292] - Tomentella porulosa f. albomarginata Bourdot & Galzin, Hyménomycètes de France: 505 (1928) [MB#227159]
Fruchtkörper / Habitus / Wachstumsform
Resupinat auf Totholz, filziges, dünnes Gewebe
Fruchtkörperfarbe / Farbspektrum
Mit Lilatönen, schmutzigbraun
Sporenmembran, Oberfläche, Skulptur
Hyphen / Hyphensystem
Monomitisch, braun, dickwandig, mit Schnallen
Thelephora wakefieldiae - Flammer, T© 10175
Thelephora wakefieldiae - Flammer, T© 10189
Thelephora wakefieldiae - Flammer, T© 10177
Thelephora wakefieldiae - Flammer, T© 10176
Thelephora wakefieldiae - Flammer, T© 10178