
aktualisiert: 11.11.2019 08:32:25

Eine Gattung (Saprophyt) welche man auf Kiefernzapfen und Weisstannennadeln finden kann. Die Gattung wird auch als pflanzenpathogener Pilz beschrieben.
Abstract: Trimmatostroma abietis from the needles of conifers and from stone, mostly in Germany, is described. On the natural substrate it is characterized by stromatic conidiomata. Conidia are mostly two-celled, are arranged in long chains, and originate by intercalary dilatation of fertile hyphae. The wide morphological plasticity of the fungus and its physiological profile are described. Its occurrence as a saprophyte and possibly opportunistic pathogen on plants and as an invader of environments with low water activity, particularly stone surfaces, are discussed. Relationships with other taxa are outlined.
