aktualisiert: 10.05.2023 13:00:04 - cf: Unsicherheiten in der Bestimmung, fehlende oder ungenügende mikroskopische Details/Beschreibung oder genaue Bestimmung pendent
Etymology : Paul HERTZOG (1928-2020) was an eminent mycologist from Alsace (France) who had friendly links with Lise and Franēois MARTI.
Stipitate basidiomata. Cap convex, clitocyboid. Gills adnate to subdecurrent, more or less separable from the flesh. Spore deposit pinkish. Spores small (less than 6 µm), appearing smooth, not amyloid, cyanophilic. Hymenial cystidia absent. Clamp connections present.
Type name : Clitocybe martiorum J. Favre
Hertzogia martiorum (J. Favre) R. Wiest comb. nov.
MycoBank : MB#844379
Basionym : Clitocybe martiorum J. Favre, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Pilzkunde 34