Lentinellus cochleatus

Aniszähling, Anis-Sägeblättling

aktualisiert: 24.09.2022

(Pers.) P. Karst.
Fungi, Dikarya, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Agaricomycetes, Russulales, Auriscalpiaceae, Lentinellus
Aktueller Name gem. MycoDB
Current name: Lentinellus cochleatus (Pers.) P. Karst., Bidrag till Kännedom av Finlands Natur och Folk 32: 247 (1879) [MB#414448]
Basionym: Agaricus cochleatus Pers., Abb. Schwämme 3: 25 (1793) [MB#148333] Obligate synonyms: - Lentinus cochleatus (Pers.) Fr., Systema Orbis Vegetabilis 1: 78 (1825) [MB#154169] - Pocillaria cochleata (Pers.) Kuntze, Revisio generum plantarum 2: 866 (1891) [MB#470551] - Omphalia cochleata (Pers.) Gray, A natural arrangement of British plants 1: 612 (1821) [MB#521128] - Clitocybe cochleata (Pers.) P. Kumm., Der Führer in die Pilzkunde: 122 (1871) [MB#507466] - Omphalia cochleatus (Pers.) Gray (1821) [MB#486489] Taxonomic synonyms: - Clavicorona dryophila Maas Geest., Persoonia 8 (2): 213 (1975) [MB#311257] - Lentinus friabilis Fr., Synopsis generis Lentinorum: 12 (1836) [MB#157638] - Pocillaria friabilis (Fr.) Kuntze, Revisio generum plantarum 2: 866 (1891) [MB#470600] - Agaricus cornucopioides Bolton, An History of Fungusses, Growing about Halifax 1: 8, t. 8 (1788) [MB#455728] - Lentinus cornucopioides (Bolton) J. Schröt., Kryptogamen-Flora von Schlesien 3.1 (33-40): 555 (1889) [MB#473373] - Lentinellus cornucopioides (Bolton) Murrill, North American Flora 9 (4): 295 (1915) [MB#469652] - Merulius cornucopioides (Bolton) J.F. Gmel., Systema Naturae 2 (2): 1429 (1792) [MB#440115] - Lentinus cornucopioides (Bolton) Klotzsch (1835) [MB#170071] - Agaricus cochleatus var. cornucopioides (Bolton) Pers., Synopsis methodica fungorum: 450 (1801) [MB#497739] - Omphalia cochleata var. cornucopioides (Bolton) Gray, A natural arrangement of British plants 1: 612 (1821) [MB#500434] - Merulius cornucopioides (Bolton) With., An arrangement of British plants 4: 151 (1796) [MB#303531] - Omphalia cochleata ß cornucopioides (Bolton) Gray: 612 (1821) [MB#486490] - Lentinellus marcelianus P.A. Moreau & P. Roux, Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 115: 279 (1999) [MB#459921]

Fruchtkörper / Habitus / Wachstumsform
Abgestorbene Baumstrünke
Geruch / Geruchsprofil
Nach Anis
Vorkommen / Häufigkeit / Saison
Sporenmembran, Oberfläche, Skulptur
Jod Sporen positiv (amyloid)


Suchbegriffe / Tags: Anissägeblättling

Literatur: BRBK Band: 3 Seite: - Bild: 234 - 236

Lentinellus cochleatus - Flammer, T© 1666
Lentinellus cochleatus -
Lentinellus cochleatus - Flammer, T© 1665
Lentinellus cochleatus -
Lentinellus cochleatus - Flammer, T© 704
Lentinellus cochleatus -
Lentinellus cochleatus - Sporen - Flammer, T© 5329
Lentinellus cochleatus - Sporen -
Lentinellus cochleatus - Flammer, T© 5330
Lentinellus cochleatus -
Lentinellus cochleatus - Flammer, T© 5338
Lentinellus cochleatus -
