Cuphophyllus lacmus

Violettgrauer Ellerling

aktualisiert: 18.10.2024

(Schumach.) Bon
Fungi, Dikarya, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Agaricomycetes, Agaricomycetidae, Agaricales, Hygrophoraceae, Cuphophyllus
Aktueller Name gem. MycoDB
Current name: Hygrocybe lacmus (Schumach.) P.D. Orton & Watling, Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh 29 (1): 131 (1969) [MB#332176]
Basionym: Agaricus lacmus Schumach., Enumeratio Plantarum, in Partibus Sællandiae Septentrionalis et Orientalis Crescentium 2: 333 (1803) [MB#372163] Obligate synonyms: - Cuphophyllus lacmus (Schumach.) Bon, Documents Mycologiques 14 (56): 11 (1985) [MB#104156] - Hygrophorus lacmus (Schumach.) Kalchbr., Icon. Sel. Hymenomyc. Hung.: 42 (1873) [MB#168076] - Camarophyllus lacmus (Schumach.) J.E. Lange, Dansk botanisk Arkiv 9 (6): 96 (1938) [MB#252916] - Hygrophorus subradiatus var. lacmus (Schumach.) Fr., Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici: 329 (1838) [MB#438492] - Agaricus pratensis var. lacmus (Schumach.) Fr., Observationes mycologicae 2: 117 (1818) [MB#497990] - Camarophyllus subradiatus * lacmus (Schumach.) P. Karst.: 229 (1879) [MB#569583] - Hygrophorus subradiatus * lacmus (Schumach.) Fr., Epicrisis Systematis Mycologici: 329 (1838) [MB#625806] - Hygrophorus subradiatus subsp. lacmus (Schumach.) Sacc., Sylloge Fungorum 5: 408 (1887) [MB#625805] Taxonomic synonyms: - Hygrophorus subviolaceus Peck, Annual Report on the New York State Museum of Natural History 53: 842 (1900) [MB#191830] - Cuphophyllus subviolaceus (Peck) Bon, Documents Mycologiques 14 (56): 11 (1985) [MB#105226] - Hygrocybe subviolacea (Peck) P.D. Orton & Watling, Notes from the Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh 29 (1): 132 (1969) [MB#332205] - Camarophyllus subviolaceus (Peck) anon. ined. (1969) [MB#486569]

Fruchtkörperfarbe / Farbspektrum
Lila-lilagrau, blass-lila
Magerwiese, Moor, alpine Weiden
Vorkommen / Häufigkeit / Saison


Literatur: BRBK Band: 3 Seite: - Bild: 78 - 104

Cuphophyllus lacmus - Flammer, T© 16049
Cuphophyllus lacmus -
Cuphophyllus lacmus - Flammer, T© 16050
Cuphophyllus lacmus -
Cuphophyllus lacmus - Flammer, T© 17792
Cuphophyllus lacmus -
