
aktualisiert: 30.04.2023 17:51:53

P. Karst.
Fungi, Dikarya, Basidiomycota, Agaricomycotina, Agaricomycetes, Trechisporales, Hydnodontaceae
Aktueller Name gem. MycoDB
Current name: Trechispora P. Karst., Hedwigia 29: 147 (1890) [MB#18664] Taxonomic synonyms: - Fibuloporia Bondartsev & Singer ex Singer, Mycologia 36 (1): 67 (1944) [MB#17588] - Cristelloporia I. Johans. & Ryvarden, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 72 (2): 189 (1979) [MB#17407] - Dextrinodontia Hjortstam & Ryvarden, Mycotaxon 12 (1): 172 (1980) [MB#17495] - Echinotrema Park.-Rhodes, Transactions of the British Mycological Society 38 (4): 367 (1955) [MB#17542] - Fibriciellum J. Erikss. & Ryvarden, The Corticiaceae of North Europe 3: 373 (1975) [MB#17582] - Hydnodon Banker, Mycologia 5 (6): 297 (1913) [MB#17787] - Pseudohydnum Rick, Annales Mycologici 2 (5): 409 (1904) [MB#18401] - Scytinopogon Singer, Lloydia 8: 139 (1945) [MB#18529] - Fibuloporia Bondartsev & Singer, Annales Mycologici 39 (1): 49 (1941) [MB#39119] - Osteomorpha Arnaud ex Watling & Kendrick, Yorkshire Naturalist 104: 1 (1979) [MB#517859] - Osteomorpha Arnaud, Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 67: 184 (1951) [MB#9172] - Osteomorpha G. Arnaud, Bulletin de la Société Mycologique de France 68 (2): 192 (1952) [MB#529386]

Sporenmembran, Oberfläche, Skulptur


Suchbegriffe / Tags: feinstchelig, feinwarzig

Literatur: BRBK Band: 2 Seite: - Bild: 110 - 117
